

Find out what’s going on at Victoria Mansion and learn more about the collection in these posts and by joining our mail and e-newsletter lists.

Featured Articles

RFQ: Artist to Interpret Unwilling Architects Initiative

February 19, 2025|Artist Opportunity, Blog, Education, News|

Request for Qualifications Victoria Mansion, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is seeking a BIPOC artist to create an illustration for our Unwilling Architects Initiative, which works to uncover the lives of the individuals enslaved in New Orleans by Ruggles and Olive Morse, the first owners of the house. The work is a paid commission, partially funded by Coffee by Design’s Rebel Blend Fund. This work will hang in Victoria Mansion as a long-term to permanent exhibit. […]

Victoria Mansion Featured on 207 (News Center Maine)

November 12, 2024|Blog, Conservation & Restoration, News, Research|

News Center Maine's Don Carrigan paid Victoria Mansion a visit recently, featuring our brownstone restoration, interior paint conservation, and Unwilling Architects Initiative research on "207" on November 7th, 2024. Read Don's article here, and check out the segment in the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIpNYz3avAQ

A Letter from the Executive Director

October 15, 2024|Blog, Conservation & Restoration, News, Newsletter|

Dear friends, If you have driven by Victoria Mansion recently, you know there are big things afoot. In fact, the scaffolding rising on the front lawn only hints at the scale of the work going on. Inside and outside, we are gearing up for a series of transformational restoration projects aimed at preserving this National Historic Landmark property and bringing it ever closer to its nineteenth-century appearance. Over the next six months, an expert team will completely disassemble a major section of the Mansion’s front façade, including the front bay window and its adjoining walls, while carefully protecting the precious interiors within. Using [...]

August Newsletters: Conservation and Notable Summer Visitors at Victoria Mansion

September 9, 2024|Blog, Conservation & Restoration, News, Newsletter|

Our August 2024 newsletters are now live! In our early August newsletter, read about the exciting conservation and restoration projects that have been going on throughout summer 2024, including Stair Hall conservation, and brownstone bay restoration plans. In our August-September newsletter, read about our visit from Maine State Senator Jill Duson, as well as stories shared during a visit by Paul Dyson, grandson of Libby-era and early museum-era caretaker Woodbury Morrill.

Window Preservation Trades Training

May 8, 2024|Blog, Conservation & Restoration, Education, News|

In early April 2024, Victoria Mansion hosted the first in a series of paid preservation trades training, taught by preservationist John Leeke, author of Save America's Windows. The purpose of this training program, focused on window restoration, is to train practicing tradespeople in the special knowledge required to preserve older and historic wood windows. More information about this inaugural workshop is available in our 2023-24 Annual Report (read PDF online here). For years, preservationists have lamented the shortage of workers skilled in the special methods and techniques required to work sensitively on historic buildings. While this problem can’t be fixed overnight, [...]

Victoria Mansion Newsletter Archive

March 13, 2024|Blog, Conservation & Restoration, Education, Events, News, Newsletter, Research|

Victoria Mansion sends out a monthly newsletter to our members and subscribers, with updates on conservation and restoration projects, educational programs, research initiatives, upcoming events, and more. Read on at the links below to catch up on the past year of newsletters, and subscribe any time to stay up to date on Mansion projects! Starting in April 2024, newsletters will be cross-posted to our VictoriaMansion.org news feed within a few days. March 2024: Featuring Historic Preservation Updates and a 2024 Events Preview February 2024: Featuring Paint Conservation News January 2024: Featuring a Holiday Season Wrap-Up, Domestic Servant Descendant Visit, [...]

Victoria Mansion Names New Executive Director

December 7, 2021|Blog, News|

Victoria Mansion, a National Historic Landmark, has named Timothy Brosnihan as its new Executive Director. After a six-month search in the US and Canada, the Search Committee announced that the position would go to Brosnihan, former Assistant Director of the museum. Board member Sue Sturtevant chaired the Search Committee, which included other board members Cynthia MacDonald, Sue Nutty, Drew Oestreicher and Kathie Propp, along with community members Randal Rucker and Mike Stone. They worked with Gail Nessell Colglazier, Principal, Executive Searches for Museums, and Hilary Robbins, Founder and Senior Strategy Consultant for Hilary Robbins Consulting, to find the best candidate [...]

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