

Find out what’s going on at Victoria Mansion and learn more about the collection in these posts and by joining our mail and e-newsletter lists.

Featured Articles

Christmas Merchandise Sneak Peek: The Early Bird Gets the Gift!

October 7, 2016|Blog, News|

Museum Shop Manager Patti Chase has been giving visitors a sneak peek and early opportunity to purchase some of the lovely ornaments, decorations, and gifts curated by our buyer Alice Dwyer Ross for this holiday season. Stopping by the Carriage House Museum Shop has become a tradition for many, and we can't wait to show off all of the great merchandise that will make the perfect gift or decoration to adorn your home. The first day of our Christmas season, Friday, November 25th, all holiday merchandise will be available and is sure to fly off the shelves!

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Grant

October 7, 2016|Blog, News|

In September, the Mansion was awarded a prestigious IMLS grant for the Museums of America program. The grant will partially fund the restoration of  the original painted finishes of the walls and ceilings of the Reception Room, part of the only extant architectural commission by artist Giuseppe Guidicini. The project will also encompass photographic documentation and paint sampling for microanalysis. The removal of original fixtures and furnishings will allow the room to be fully scaffolded. The original interior shutters will be repaired and UV protective film will be installed on all exterior windows. This project represents an important step towards our goal of [...]

A Visit from Ellen Libby Lawrence

September 7, 2016|Blog, News|

Ellen Libby Lawrence, the sole surviving grandchild of J.R. Libby, visited the Mansion in late August with her son Franklin, a former Mansion trustee. A generous supporter of Victoria Mansion for decades, Ellen has donated original Morse and Libby objects and provided information about the Libby family that is critical to our interpretation of the Mansion. The daughter of Ralph G. and Hattie Libby, Ellen grew up in Portland's West End.  After her mother's death she was instrumental in arranging the donation of original Mansion furnishings that were in her family home, including the Herter parlor suite and center table [...]

A Currier & Ives Christmas at Victoria Mansion

September 7, 2016|Blog, News|

It's never too early to start planning for Christmas here at the Mansion! Plans began in March to create a nostalgic wonderland for this year's Christmas season. Look forward to designs inspired by the illustrious nineteenth-century print-makers and complimenting the Mansion's original interiors. In addition to the fabulous decorations, the Mansion will offer a slate of holiday events including the Annual Christmas Gala on November 30, three nights of The Night of the Nutcracker with Portland Ballet on December 4, 11, and 18, and Stories on the Staircase every Saturday morning throughout the Christmas season. The Christmas season will run [...]

Cruise Ship Season is Underway!

September 7, 2016|Blog, News|

It's that time of year again when Portland welcomes thousands of international visitors and the cruise ship season kicks into high gear. This year, the city will host 28 ships in September and 18 ships in October, with a and total of 76 cruise ships before the season's end. The city estimates that about 100,000 passengers and 40,000 crew will have visited Portland by the time the season wraps up in late October. In response to the influx of visitors we expect to welcome, the Mansion will be implementing self-guided, free flow tours on Sundays, in addition to Tuesday, Wednesday, [...]

September 23-25: The Mansion Welcomes the National Garden Club

September 7, 2016|Blog, News|

We are very excited to be hosting the National Garden Club from September 23-25! These talented florists and designers from all over the country will be using the Mansion as their inspiration, creating fresh and dried arrangements to be placed throughout the house. The arrangements will be on display all weekend for the visitors to enjoy as they see the Mansion like they've never seen it before. We can't wait to see the Mansion's interiors highlighted by the beautiful, creative work from the NGC.

Docent Outing: Sunset Cruise

August 7, 2016|Blog, News|

Last Thursday, August 4th, Mansion staff and docents enjoyed a lovely sunset cruise on Casco Bay. It was just a small way to thank everyone for all the great work they do. We are hoping to make it a new Mansion tradition! If you are interested in joining our excellent team of volunteers, contact Director of Education Lucinda Hannington at or 207.772.4841 ext. 104

The Mansion Featured in the New York Times

August 7, 2016|Blog, News|

The Mansion was recently featured in the New York Times article, "36 Hours in Portland, Maine" on July 28th. We are in fantastic company with the Portland Museum of Art, the Wadsworth Longfellow House, Central Provisions, and Becky's Diner, to name a few. We are looking forward to welcoming the new guests this article will bring! To view the full article, click here:  36 Hours in Portland, Maine

Admissions Up 20%!

August 7, 2016|Blog, News|

The 2016 season is underway and it is our busiest yet with admission up by 20%! The Mansion has been visited by over 10,500 people this season alone, including bus tours and visitors from all over the world. Thanks to our new self-guided, free-flow tour system on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays, the Mansion can accommodate far more visitors than with a traditional guided tour system. We have heard lots of positive feedback from volunteers, staff, and visitors and are always happy to hear more!

Keeping the Mansion Green

July 7, 2016|Blog, News|

We want to thank Portland Greendrinks, a volunteer-managed social networking group,  for their micro-grant to install bike racks at the Mansion. Portland Greendrinks is dedicated to creating a more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable community by supporting local organizations, businesses, and green initiatives. In these warm summer months we have seen a surge in bike tourism here at the Mansion, and Greendrinks is helping us encourage that trend. We just installed the new bike racks at the beginning of July and are happy to see that they are already being put to good use!

Allagash Brewing a Strong Partner with the Mansion

July 7, 2016|Blog, News|

At the end of June, the Mansion's lawn was transformed as we welcomed more than 200 members and friends to the annual Allagash Victoria Ale Premiere. This has been a wonderful partnership and thanks to the generosity of this Portland-based company, Allagash Brewing raised $11,000 this year through sales of their signature Victoria Ale to support the Mansion's ongoing preservation efforts.

PORTopera in Review

July 7, 2016|Blog, News|

We are happy to report that our sixth year of partnering with PORTopera proved a resounding success! Last week, members and friends enjoyed an unforgettable evening of performances set against the stunning backdrop of the Mansion's well-preserved interiors. This joint benefit featured singers Robert Mellon, Adam Diegel, Kenneth Kellogg, and Maeve Höglund, from the cast of PORTopera's upcoming production of Bizet's Carmen. The Mansion is proud to continue these partnerships with other cultural organizations in Portland, bringing people together over a shared passion for art, culture, and history.

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